The 2019 OPS Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Ontario Public Service (OPS) Collective Agreement for 2019 was recently negotiated and ratified by both the OPS and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU). The agreement affects over 70,000 public sector employees and includes a number of important changes.

One of the most significant changes in the agreement is an increase in wages. Employees covered by the agreement will see a 1.75% wage increase effective April 1, 2019, with another 1.5% increase effective April 1, 2020. Additionally, employees who are at the top of their salary scale will receive a lump sum payment of $650.

Another important change in the agreement is an increase in job security for employees. The OPS has agreed to a new protocol for managing surplus employees, which includes offering voluntary exit packages to employees who wish to leave the OPS, as well as offering opportunities for redeployment to other positions within the OPS.

The agreement also includes a number of improvements to benefits and working conditions. For example, the OPS has agreed to provide up to $750 per year for professional development to eligible employees, and has committed to exploring new options for flexible work arrangements.

Perhaps most importantly, the agreement includes new provisions to improve workplace health and safety. The OPS has committed to conducting a comprehensive review of workplace violence and harassment prevention policies and programs, and has agreed to implement new measures to prevent and respond to workplace violence and harassment.

Overall, the 2019 OPS Collective Agreement represents a significant step forward for the public sector in Ontario. The agreement includes important improvements to wages, benefits, working conditions, and workplace health and safety, and demonstrates a commitment on the part of the OPS and OPSEU to working collaboratively to improve the lives of public sector employees.