In India, agreement is expressed by a variety of means, depending on the context and the parties involved. From written contracts to oral agreements, India has a rich legal framework that recognizes different modes of expressing and enforcing agreements.

One of the most common ways of expressing agreement in India is through written contracts. These contracts usually outline the terms and conditions of the agreement, including the rights and responsibilities of each party, the payment terms, and the dispute resolution mechanisms. They are legally binding and enforceable in court, and can provide a clear record of the intentions of the parties involved.

Another way of expressing agreement in India is through oral contracts. These agreements are made verbally, without any formal documentation, and are often used in informal settings or for small transactions. While they are more difficult to enforce than written contracts, oral contracts are still legally binding under certain conditions, such as when they involve a significant amount of money or when they can be clearly proven in court.

In addition, Indian law recognizes the concept of implied agreement. This means that when parties behave in a certain way that implies agreement, such as by accepting goods or services, they are deemed to have entered into an agreement even if there is no formal documentation or verbal agreement in place. This can be particularly relevant in situations where the parties have a long-standing business relationship and have established a pattern of behavior.

There are also other forms of expressing agreement in India, such as through email, fax, or electronic signature. These methods are increasingly becoming popular, especially in the age of technology, and are generally recognized by Indian courts as valid forms of expressing agreement.

In conclusion, the expression of agreement in India is not limited to one particular method. Whether it is through written contracts, oral agreements, or implied agreements, Indian law recognizes various means of expressing and enforcing agreements. It is important for parties involved in any transaction or relationship to understand their legal obligations and seek legal advice if needed to ensure their rights and interests are protected.