Example Sentences Using Agreement

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Feb 25, 2023

Agreement is an essential part of any language, which refers to the correct and appropriate use of grammar and syntax. Agreement is defined as the grammatical match between words or phrases in a sentence in terms of tense, number, gender, and case. Proper use of agreement in sentences makes the text more comprehensible and effective. Below are some examples of sentences using agreement:

1. Subject-verb agreement:

The subject of a sentence must always agree with the verb in terms of number (singular or plural). For instance:

Correct: She is studying for her exams.

Incorrect: She are studying for her exams.

2. Pronoun agreement:

Pronouns must agree with the noun they replace in terms of gender and number. For example:

Correct: He left his keys on the table.

Incorrect: He left her keys on the table.

3. Adjective agreement:

Adjectives must agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify. For instance:

Correct: The green apples tasted sour.

Incorrect: The green apple tasted sour.

4. Relative pronoun agreement:

Relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, that, which) must agree with the noun or pronoun they refer to. For example:

Correct: The woman who won the lottery was ecstatic.

Incorrect: The woman whom won the lottery was ecstatic.

5. Preposition agreement:

Prepositions must agree with the noun they precede in terms of case. For instance:

Correct: She gave the book to him.

Incorrect: She gave the book to he.

In conclusion, proper use of agreement in sentences not only makes the text more comprehensible but also helps in effective communication. These examples demonstrate how correct use of agreement in a sentence can make all the difference. As a professional, it is imperative to ensure that sentences follow proper grammar and syntax, including agreement, to maximize the impact of the content.